The proponents of laser therapy believe it is one of the best ways to treat pain. Its potential applications are numerous, and many patients turn to this treatment option as an alternative to medication or surgery. In this blog, we’ll look at the use of laser therapy and how it can be a beneficial tool…
back pain
What Can I Expect from a PRP Procedure?
If you have an orthopedic condition such as a joint injury that is affecting your quality of life, PRP therapy may be the solution you are looking for. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a minimally invasive procedure that accelerates healing after an injury or surgery. PRP therapy also helps reduce pain and inflammation, and it…
Bulging Disc Pain Treatment Options
Discs are rubbery structures located between vertebrae of the spine, where they absorb shock and assist with movement. Discs weaken over time, and weakened discs may shift from their normal position – a condition called a bulging disc. Initially, there may be little or no pain associated with a bulging disc, unless the protruding portion…
How Back Pain Can Affect Your Overall Health
Back pain is an epidemic that affects up to 80 percent of adults during their lifetime, according to the National Institutes of Health (a division of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). In fact, back problems are the most common cause of job-related disability. It is an all-encompassing condition that not only targets…
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Many people have a fear of flying – but when it comes to heading out on the highway, most don’t think twice about the risks. Riding in a motor vehicle presents an increased risk of getting into an accident and suffering orthopedic injuries. In fact, vehicle crashes are the number-one cause of unintentional injury in…
Effective Treatments for Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is one of the most common sources of chronic discomfort, and it can be brought on by everything from straining a muscle to a pinched nerve to chronic arthritis. Whatever the cause, all you want is relief. Fortunately, there are many effective treatments for lower back pain, depending on how simple or…
What to Do if You Are Experiencing Back Pain After a Car Accident
One million is the number of days each year that Americans spend in the hospital due to injuries associated with car crashes, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Records don’t indicate the number of patients who presented in hospitals or emergency rooms due to back injuries and pain following an accident. However, it makes…
A Triple Threat to Eradicate Back Pain: Combine Chiropractic, Laser and Taping Therapies
A staggering number of Americans – 116 million, to be precise – have suffered from musculoskeletal pain at some point in their lives, and it has left them yearning for an answer to this prevalent problem. To help these patients avoid long recuperation periods, exorbitant expenses, and persistent pain, many physicians now opt for alternative…
PRP Therapy and the Future of Pain Management
It is estimated that chronic pain affects more than 100 million Americans and costs half a trillion dollars per year. There is no clearer evidence of the size of the pain issue than the drastic increase the use of prescription opioids such as morphine, hydrocodone, and oxycodone – and a corresponding rise in illness and…
What is An EMG?
Electromyography (EMG) is a diagnostic procedure that evaluates the condition of muscles and the nerve cells (motor neurons) that govern them. It wasn’t until 1750, when Luigi Galvani reported that electricity was the mode by which neurons transmitted signals to the surrounding muscles, that we realized its astounding connection to the human body. Many moons later…