After a car accident, the pain can be overwhelming, both physically and emotionally. Many individuals suffer from injuries that disrupt their daily routines and overall quality of life. Understanding common car accident injuries and how a physiatrist — a doctor specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation — can help might be the first step toward…
facet joint injection
Ask the Doc – Facet Joint Injections
If you’re struggling with neck or back pain and are considering facet joint injection, it’s important that you know everything about the injection to make an informed decision. Facet joint injections treat pain that originates from the facet joint of your neck or back. Typically, the pain results from segmental instability, trauma to the spine,…
How to Find a Facet Joint Injection Treatment Near You
Whether you have back pain due to back injury, arthritis of the spine, or mechanical stress to the back, facet joint injection is a minimally invasive treatment that you may want to consider for pain relief. Facet joints are small joints of the spine that provide your spine stability and help guide spine motion. A…