Lower back pain can happen for many reasons. Most of the time, it happens as a result of muscle strain from overwork or intense exercise. Other times, it can be a long-term problem, like arthritis or stenosis in the spine. Fortunately, there are ways to treat back pain, but the best intervention will depend on…
Chiropractors: 5 Things to Know Before You Go
The term chiropractic stems from the Greek root words “chiro,” meaning hand, and “praxis,” meaning “practice.” Chiropractic care is a hands-on form of care used to modify spinal alignment. It does not rely on surgical methods or medicine. If you have recurring lower back pain or other muscle pain, you may want to consult a…
The Importance of Auto Injury Care
If you have sustained an injury in a motor vehicle accident, you may suffer from different kinds of physical and emotional pain. Getting professionally evaluated by a physical medicine doctor can reveal the problems you may not even know and help you recover from critical conditions. Let’s look at how important auto injury care is…
What People Need to Know About Trigger-Point Injections
Trigger points are painful, sore knots in the thin, white covering of the skeletal muscles. If you have this discomfort and want relief, a physical medicine expert can help you determine how best to achieve that goal and improve your range of motion, mobility, and function. Let’s learn about trigger point injections, how they are…
Difference between a Chiropractor and a Physical Therapist
Since chiropractors and physical therapists often treat similar conditions and body areas, many patients do not understand if there is a difference. This can lead them to make the wrong decision about who they should visit and when. While both chiropractors and physical therapists share strikingly overlapping characteristics, there are some key differences between the…
Concussion: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Did you know that more than 3 million people suffer from concussions every year in the United States? These are mainly due to recreation- or sports-related injuries. As common as they are – and even though they’re considered relatively mild – concussions should never be taken lightly. Left untreated, concussions can lead to long-term complications,…
Non-Invasive Treatments For Car Accident Pain
Being in a car accident can cause intense physical and emotional trauma. Whether you come out of it with injuries or relatively unharmed, there’s bound to be some pain. At times, car accident injuries take time to show. Whether there are visible symptoms of injuries or not, it’s important to seek medical care as quickly…
Frequently Used Epidural Treatment Types
Epidural treatments have gained a lot of traction over the years as a treatment for pain relief. They involve the direct injection of a potent, anti-inflammatory medicine into the epidural space of the spine. While these treatments cannot resolve all forms of bone and muscle pain, knowing how they work is relevant if you need…
Headache Treatment According to Diagnosis
If you often feel a headache, you are not alone, no matter what type it is. Headache is a common occurrence that takes a significant toll on its sufferers’ social and family life. One of the most common approaches almost every one of us brings to treat our headaches is consuming aspirin or acetaminophen right…
Lower Back Pain on the Right Side? It Could Be Kidney Stones!
Back pain is an all-too-familiar foe of millions of Americans. It mostly goes away, so it receives little or no attention. However, severe lower back pain on the right side without any obvious trauma or injury can be problematic, mainlybecause this pain may refer to the damage or disease of your internal organs like kidneys…